We are done to explore the world of the information system analyst. We already know what their key roles, their traits, characteristics are and we know how these characteristics/traits are very important to be a good System Analyst. We also touched our personal traits/characteristics to justify if we can be good system analysts. We identify some of our strengths so that we can examine ourselves if we are qualified to be a good System Analyst. Having the idea on how we can see our strengths to call ourselves as System Analyst, we easily pin-point different characteristics/traits that can be used in the near future as we, our very own selves will have to join the world of the information system analyst. And to validate those characters/traits that we are able to identify for ourselves, we are tasked to look for a System Analyst on practice and do an interview on what would be the skills and characteristics must a system analyst develop in order to be more effective in any design modeling process. This time, what we have learned during the sharing and presentation was validated as we throw some follow-up questions that will help us to understand more on what a System Analysts really does, I mean his skills to possess and you know characteristics.
Aside from asking his skills and characteristics, we also tackle the role of a system analyst as a project manager since this time, we’ll going to identify the role of system analyst as a project manager.
The interviewee stressed out that the role of a System Analyst is really different from a Project Manager. But there’s an exemption, because sometimes or most of the time a System Analyst is at the same time the Project Manager in doing a project.
While we are done to identify the roles/traits/characteristics/skills of a System Analyst, below are the roles of the Project Manager based on our conducted interview.
The Project Manager is the one who do the talking. According to the interviewee, the Project Manager is the one who will talk to the client at the start of doing the project. He is the one to explain it to the client on what are the team agreements in doing the project. In short, at the start of getting a project, Project Manager will be the representative of the team in doing oral or written agreements.
The Project Manager is the one who get the overall specifications/scope of the project. According to the interviewee, Project Manager is responsible for gathering information on the scope and specks of the project. As a Project Manager he is responsible to gather information and specifications from the client and of course from the users.
The Project Manager is the one to identify the people who will be involved in the project. It means that as a Project Manager, he/she is the one to create his own team for the development of the entire project. He/she will be the one to choose the people that he wanted to get involved in doing the project.
The Project Manager is the one to “always give the updates”. According to the interviewee, it is the Project Manager’s responsibility to always give updates on what are the progresses of the projects and it’s not the client who will get updates and follow-ups on what is happening on the current project development. The interviewee also states his opinion on the difference of Pinoy clients and US clients. He said that Pinoy clients doesn’t bring too much pressure it is because our nature is not too on getting updates with regards to the progress of the project and usually any delays are welcome for some extension dates. Say we are given a deadline on April 30, 2010, most Pinoy clients will meet the team on the deadline, and we can never hear those getting updates prior to the deadline while US clients are very strict on the time and deadlines. The interviewee shared his experiences on his US clients where he has to give updates on the project thrice a day. And it should be what you accomplished yesterday, what you are doing today and what you will be doing tomorrow.
The point here is that the Project Manager is the one to impose that a deadline is a deadline and tell the client before the deadline if the project will be extended so that the other party will not expect anything on the date of supposed completion.
The Project Manager is the one to delegate task to the team members. He is the one to set timeline to clients and to his team.
How do you describe yourself as a project manager in your information system department or organization (in general)? The interviewee answered that “once we set a certain goal, there should be completion “.
Can you site related experiences of being a project manager of a team in a certain project? How do you go along with it? The interviewee cites his experience during every general assembly of SAMULCO where he is responsible for the registration process. He did his job on it successfully in three years now. He is the in-charge of the secretariat (hardware, people, etc.). He is the one who oversee the entire event. And he said that in every project “you can learn, And I’m happy this year”.
What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses as a project manager? Strength: “I know what I want and I get what I want”. Weakness: “I do most of a time to think as a programmer”.
Evidence (photo):

Aside from asking his skills and characteristics, we also tackle the role of a system analyst as a project manager since this time, we’ll going to identify the role of system analyst as a project manager.
The interviewee stressed out that the role of a System Analyst is really different from a Project Manager. But there’s an exemption, because sometimes or most of the time a System Analyst is at the same time the Project Manager in doing a project.
While we are done to identify the roles/traits/characteristics/skills of a System Analyst, below are the roles of the Project Manager based on our conducted interview.
The Project Manager is the one who do the talking. According to the interviewee, the Project Manager is the one who will talk to the client at the start of doing the project. He is the one to explain it to the client on what are the team agreements in doing the project. In short, at the start of getting a project, Project Manager will be the representative of the team in doing oral or written agreements.
The Project Manager is the one who get the overall specifications/scope of the project. According to the interviewee, Project Manager is responsible for gathering information on the scope and specks of the project. As a Project Manager he is responsible to gather information and specifications from the client and of course from the users.
The Project Manager is the one to identify the people who will be involved in the project. It means that as a Project Manager, he/she is the one to create his own team for the development of the entire project. He/she will be the one to choose the people that he wanted to get involved in doing the project.
The Project Manager is the one to “always give the updates”. According to the interviewee, it is the Project Manager’s responsibility to always give updates on what are the progresses of the projects and it’s not the client who will get updates and follow-ups on what is happening on the current project development. The interviewee also states his opinion on the difference of Pinoy clients and US clients. He said that Pinoy clients doesn’t bring too much pressure it is because our nature is not too on getting updates with regards to the progress of the project and usually any delays are welcome for some extension dates. Say we are given a deadline on April 30, 2010, most Pinoy clients will meet the team on the deadline, and we can never hear those getting updates prior to the deadline while US clients are very strict on the time and deadlines. The interviewee shared his experiences on his US clients where he has to give updates on the project thrice a day. And it should be what you accomplished yesterday, what you are doing today and what you will be doing tomorrow.
The point here is that the Project Manager is the one to impose that a deadline is a deadline and tell the client before the deadline if the project will be extended so that the other party will not expect anything on the date of supposed completion.
The Project Manager is the one to delegate task to the team members. He is the one to set timeline to clients and to his team.
How do you describe yourself as a project manager in your information system department or organization (in general)? The interviewee answered that “once we set a certain goal, there should be completion “.
Can you site related experiences of being a project manager of a team in a certain project? How do you go along with it? The interviewee cites his experience during every general assembly of SAMULCO where he is responsible for the registration process. He did his job on it successfully in three years now. He is the in-charge of the secretariat (hardware, people, etc.). He is the one who oversee the entire event. And he said that in every project “you can learn, And I’m happy this year”.
What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses as a project manager? Strength: “I know what I want and I get what I want”. Weakness: “I do most of a time to think as a programmer”.
Evidence (photo):

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