Chapter 1 explores the world of the information System Analysts. And as we go deeper on the discussions, we are able to know what are the roles that a System Analyst does, what are their expected skills, characteristics, traits and qualifications. And thus, we are able to identify important traits and characteristics that we will be having considering ourselves as a System Analyst. Assignment 1 is all about what we have learned based on the discussions that we had on Chapter 1 and identifying some characteristics that we might have to possess as a good System Analyst.
Now in this Assignment 2, we are tasked to interview a System Analyst. It only means that we are going to venture on the outside experiences. After assessing our own selves as a System Analyst, we are going to get outside and look for another System Analyst. Luckily, we find Mr. James of SAMULCO.
Below is based on the two-hour interview with the SAMULCO’s MIS Department Head.
Question: What are the skills and characteristics must a System Analyst develop in order to be more effective in any design modeling process?
The interviewee answers the following skills:
1. Observant/keen to details. The interviewee believes that it is very important for an Analyst that he/she is a keen observer to avoid risk such a waste of time, resources and money. He site an example where there are system requirements that was left unnoticed at the start of the development and later found out that the missed requirements are needed in the system. There is now a need for repetition and therefore a waste of time, resources and of course money. So see how important to be a keen observer specially in identifying details on the system requirements needed.
2. Develop basic programming skills. The interviewee believes that a System Analysts must have basic programming skills. Well a System Analyst is not really expected to be an expert in programming but at least knowledgeable. It is because he/she is working with the developer and of course they should understand each other. Basically, System Analyst should get along with the developer that is why he/she needs to understand what do the developer means if they were talking about programming terms. There is also a technical knowledge so that it would be easy for both of the client and the analyst to assemble information requirements and to communicate when it comes to what the programmers is needed.
The interviewee also stressed out that the System Analyst must see the problem instead of solutions. Because in most cases, analysts see the solution first and forget what is really the problem. It is not good in a way that the analyst will sometimes imagine more being a programmer rather than being an analyst. He/she sees how the project will be look like and how it will going to functions and overlook on what do really the system needs to do. He said that a good analyst must see the problem alone to come up into a good solution.
3. System Analyst must be a global thinker. According to the interviewee, a good analyst is a global thinker. It is because he/she looks at the over-all system of the project. He’s making an example of the two men working on the empty lot, digging soil…while another man happens to stop by and asked what they were doing. The first man answered that they were digging the soil and the second man answered that they were going to build a house. See? The first man is the developer; he only sees the current situation, on what he’s currently working, very literal. While the second man is the system analyst, he sees the entire system and not only what is currently going on. The developer is very systematic while the analyst is a global thinker.
4. Communicate well both with the Project Manager and developer. Communication is very critical for a System Analyst because it is the only way to get along with the Project Manager, developer as well as the clients and users. It is important in dealing with your clients while you are going to review the necessary information that the desired system needs. The analyst must be a good communicator in both oral and written and one thing not to forget must be a good listener. He/she can listen and may able to react what might people have to say, in a careful and nice way. The interviewee believes that communication among the Project Manager and developer is very important because it is the only way to discuss what will be the project and how will it being develop. He said that good communication is very useful since in doing a project where the analyst will going to identify the requirements, it is the responsibility of the System Analyst to discuss the requirements needed for the project instead that the client will be the one to discuss what is needed. At first, I find it confusing since what I have understand is that it is the client who knows what they want the system would do but the interviewee adds that it is because the analyst is the one who knows more on what will be the project is going to be like and how it functions. Some add-ons might be given by the client after examining the list of functionalities that the analyst identified.
Question: Which specific skill/character do you need to develop most? The interviewee said that he has to develop more on being a global thinker.
Question: When and how can you apply these skills/traits/characters in relation to your job specification (in the organization/company)? Everyday, No not really everyday but when the opportunity calls he said. He also said that he will be talking to the HR, they will identify problems that need to be addressed and that’s the time that he will be talking to his buddy.
Evidence (photo):

Now in this Assignment 2, we are tasked to interview a System Analyst. It only means that we are going to venture on the outside experiences. After assessing our own selves as a System Analyst, we are going to get outside and look for another System Analyst. Luckily, we find Mr. James of SAMULCO.
Below is based on the two-hour interview with the SAMULCO’s MIS Department Head.
Question: What are the skills and characteristics must a System Analyst develop in order to be more effective in any design modeling process?
The interviewee answers the following skills:
1. Observant/keen to details. The interviewee believes that it is very important for an Analyst that he/she is a keen observer to avoid risk such a waste of time, resources and money. He site an example where there are system requirements that was left unnoticed at the start of the development and later found out that the missed requirements are needed in the system. There is now a need for repetition and therefore a waste of time, resources and of course money. So see how important to be a keen observer specially in identifying details on the system requirements needed.
2. Develop basic programming skills. The interviewee believes that a System Analysts must have basic programming skills. Well a System Analyst is not really expected to be an expert in programming but at least knowledgeable. It is because he/she is working with the developer and of course they should understand each other. Basically, System Analyst should get along with the developer that is why he/she needs to understand what do the developer means if they were talking about programming terms. There is also a technical knowledge so that it would be easy for both of the client and the analyst to assemble information requirements and to communicate when it comes to what the programmers is needed.
The interviewee also stressed out that the System Analyst must see the problem instead of solutions. Because in most cases, analysts see the solution first and forget what is really the problem. It is not good in a way that the analyst will sometimes imagine more being a programmer rather than being an analyst. He/she sees how the project will be look like and how it will going to functions and overlook on what do really the system needs to do. He said that a good analyst must see the problem alone to come up into a good solution.
3. System Analyst must be a global thinker. According to the interviewee, a good analyst is a global thinker. It is because he/she looks at the over-all system of the project. He’s making an example of the two men working on the empty lot, digging soil…while another man happens to stop by and asked what they were doing. The first man answered that they were digging the soil and the second man answered that they were going to build a house. See? The first man is the developer; he only sees the current situation, on what he’s currently working, very literal. While the second man is the system analyst, he sees the entire system and not only what is currently going on. The developer is very systematic while the analyst is a global thinker.
4. Communicate well both with the Project Manager and developer. Communication is very critical for a System Analyst because it is the only way to get along with the Project Manager, developer as well as the clients and users. It is important in dealing with your clients while you are going to review the necessary information that the desired system needs. The analyst must be a good communicator in both oral and written and one thing not to forget must be a good listener. He/she can listen and may able to react what might people have to say, in a careful and nice way. The interviewee believes that communication among the Project Manager and developer is very important because it is the only way to discuss what will be the project and how will it being develop. He said that good communication is very useful since in doing a project where the analyst will going to identify the requirements, it is the responsibility of the System Analyst to discuss the requirements needed for the project instead that the client will be the one to discuss what is needed. At first, I find it confusing since what I have understand is that it is the client who knows what they want the system would do but the interviewee adds that it is because the analyst is the one who knows more on what will be the project is going to be like and how it functions. Some add-ons might be given by the client after examining the list of functionalities that the analyst identified.
Question: Which specific skill/character do you need to develop most? The interviewee said that he has to develop more on being a global thinker.
Question: When and how can you apply these skills/traits/characters in relation to your job specification (in the organization/company)? Everyday, No not really everyday but when the opportunity calls he said. He also said that he will be talking to the HR, they will identify problems that need to be addressed and that’s the time that he will be talking to his buddy.
Evidence (photo):

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