Wednesday, September 30, 2009

HRM (Assignment 10)


Personnel Management
R.J. Reddy

“ Personnel Management is that phase of management which deals with the effective control and use of manpower as distinguished from other sources of power. The methods, tools and techniques designed and utilized to secure the enthusiastic participation of labour represent the subject matter in study of personnel administration” – Dale Yoder

Critique: I agree this definition. I think the author of this justifies his understanding on the concept and meaning of the subject. So think, it is more likely to say that this defines what is personnel management really means.

“Personnel Management is that part of management process which is primarily concerned with the human constituents of an organization”. – E.F.L Breach

Critique: So I guess, this definition gives a direct subject and from the word itself, “personnel management”, it primarily deals with persons.

“Personnel Management is that specialized branch of management which is concerned with solving the human problems of an organization intelligently and equitably in a manner that not only the employee potentials are developed but maximum satisfaction is also achieved by the individual, the group and the executives or managers and the goals of the organization are accomplished to the fullest possible extent”. – Dr. T.N Bhagoliwal

Critique: I think this definition is more likely above. Only, the author gives a deep meaning to he subject and how will it going to handle. And also, it says about he goals that a certain organization wants to achieve.


Personnel Management - Administrative discipline of hiring and developing employees so that they become more valuable to the organization. It includes:

(1) conducting job analysis
(2) planning personnel needs, and recruitment
(3) selecting the right people for the job
(4) orienting and training
(5) determining and managing wages and salaries
(6) providing benefits and incentives
(7) appraising performance
( resolving deputes
(9) communicating with all employees at all levels.


Critique: I think this one enumerate the process on how will a management involving personnel should be handled. And I guess the author of this subject sees the flow of personnel management. I agree with the process cited above. Human resource should be given benefits that will equal to their industrial contribution of a certain company.

Personnel Management is responsible for the provision of specialist personnel and human resource management advisory services to departments, and the development and implementation of a relevant, coherent and modern framework of employment policies and practices throughout the University. Each member of Personnel Management is responsible for the provision of these services to a number of departments. This distribution is known as the Personnel Management Portfolio.

Personnel Management is also responsible for the delivery of the Human Resource Strategy and associated programmes of work.

Critique: For this definition from a university form of organization, I could say that it is well defined and it seems effective in the implementation. Also, It is associated with the Human Resource Strategy that’s why I believe that it is effective this way. It’s like a combination of the both or more strategies to result a more effective output.

Source: Staffordshire University website *********************************************************************************************
Human Resource Management (HRM)

Administrative activities associated with human resources planning, recruitment, selection, orientation, training, appraisal, motivation, remuneration, etc. HRM aims at developing people through work.

Critique: For me, I might say that these two (personnel management and HRM) should go along to have a good result.


Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers.

Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training.

Critique: I would say that HRM focused on the process involving human resource. But I could see the similarity of both PM and HRM because it deals with the same subject which is persons/human. Only that I supposed that PM talks more on the needs of the human resource while the HRM talks not only their needs but deals with the persons behavior, attitude etc.


Human Resource Management is a model of personnel management that focuses on the individual rather than taking a collective approach. Responsibility for human resource management is often devolved to line management. It is characterized by an emphasis on strategic integration, employee commitment, workforce flexibility, and quality of goods and services.


Critique: I think this definition hit my idea on how to differentiate the two despite their similarities in dealing both human resources.

While Miller (1987) suggests that Human Respurce Management relates to:
".......those decisions and actions which concern the management of employees at all levels in the business and which are related to the implementation of strategies directed towards creating and sustaining competitive advantage" (p. 352).


Critique: Well, it’s more likely a decision-making that concerns the management of the employees. While Personnel Management tries to be effective in the control of manpower, HRM tried to hold an effective decision-making.

Reaccessing Human Resource Management
Edited by: Paul Blyton and Peter Turnbull

Keith Sisson, editor of Human Resource Management Journal applies the term HRM ‘in the most general of senses to refer to the policies, procedures and processes involved in the management of people in work organizations (1990:1).

Similarly, Michael Poole, editor of International Journal of Human Resource argues that beyond the central aspect of HRM being the link with business policy and strategic management, ‘the subject is perhaps best viewed as involving a synthesis of elements from international business, organizational behavior, personnel management and industrial relations’ (1990:1-2)


Critique: It simply gives the summary of understanding the concept of HRM. And I like the idea that it is summarize into simple views. And I think, every organization had their own formulation of concept and strategies that they find to be effective.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

MIS (Assignment 7)

Creation of ICT Department (Information and Communications Technology)

“Let’s have a Department of ICT”

The Commission on Information and Communication Technology (CICT) hopes that the bill that seeks to establish the Department of ICT will be approved before the term of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo ends next year. The CICT was created in 2004 as a transitory measure to a DICT (Department of ICT) but five years have passed, and this has yet to become a reality. (By Ehda M. Dagoo) As a country who aims to lead globally, there should be a portal to have this goal. As the new technology continues to invade the global arena, the Philippines have to cope up the fast changing and fast growing modernization. Thus, the realization of having an ICT Department who will take part of the IT innovation is a big, big plus. How will the creation of an ICT Department improved our quality of life? Well for me, it will really help in terms of technological way of living. We should bear in mind that though we could say that the Philippines are among the leading country in Asia in terms of ICT, still, there are less fortunate that could not afford even to go to the Net café’s to be able to give a try on using techno gadgets. While if the passage of this bill will be granted, there would be allotted budget for the ICT. For the education, it could help in computer literacy for high school students or even elementary pupils who will benefit this program. And for computer laboratories and internet connections in various schools, colleges and universities supported by the government. Also, the CICT plans to give priority to the next wave cities in the country, thus, giving hopes to the nation to improve the people’s quality of life in the eWorld.


I guess this area limit its talk in the controversial expiration of loads, dropped calls and missing loads. And also, the electronic issues. And this area relates ICT because as obvious as it is, Philippines is a texting capital. Even the young ones had their cellphones, ipods, and etc. This area had its pros and cons in improving our quality of life. We knew that having this modern way of communications made our routine easier, faster and accurate. Unlike before, information will be scattered in a split of seconds or just a click away. That’s how nice to consider the improvement of Telecommunications. But also, it gives a disadvantage. In the first place, it adds our usual expenses. And the load issues are additional expenses and were disgraceful because it was stolen from you (consumers). Thus, it’s up for the individual to balance their way to carry these changes.

Technical Education and Skills Training

This area is also important in improving our quality of life. For me, given this chance to benefit technical education and skills training could be a plus in improving the many lives of individuals especially those who can’t afford or do not like to enroll degree courses. As we are covered with new innovations and as the technology advancement continue to rise, a skill is very important to compete. Thus, skills training especially related to IT will help an individual to compete in the industry.

MIS (Assignment 5)

For the following months, we focused on how IS/IT is very important to the operations of a company. This time, we are going to point out the barriers and challenges in IS/IT Implementation. With the same company we visited for the first assignment, I would like to share about the case at EMCOR.

EMCOR, like any other companies used a computer-based information system which means that information during any transactions that will take place and data records of the company is stored in a specific application software in a computer system and being used when automates some of the information-processing activities of the company. This is where Information System has taken its place to make their work easier, accurate and faster than its traditional way of keeping records. While Information Technology serves as a help of their company in terms of general ledger to financial report because it is well structured and properly documented. Internal reporting was made manually and only periodically, as a by-product of the accounting system and with some additional statistics, and gave limited and delayed information on management performance long before the spark of new technology.

When we say barriers, most probably it is any condition that makes it difficult to achieve a certain objective or to make any progress in a certain goal.

Say for example a case such having a perspective to implement successfully. In a situation such like, there are critical perspectives that must be managed properly. And these perspectives must be addressed in parallel to ensure that all aspects are dealt with and that the project is completed in time. See the following:

1. Project Management
- on time and within budget

2. Process Management
- ensure that business system supports the customer’s business processes

3. Solution Management
- Designing and configuring the right solution to support customer processes

4. Data Management
- Optimal management of data in the new system and migration of data from the old system.

5. Technology Management
- Configuring and installing the right technical platform and environment.

These are some of the critical areas to be considered and be managed properly to achieve its goal to implement successfully. Now, let’s try to consider some phases in implementing a project/system. According to what I have surf through the internet, the following are the three distinct phases in a typical project implementation:

Implementation Study

In the Implementation Study, we specify the solution and focus on what has to be done. Match the best-practice business processes with customer-critical business processes.

Project Management

  • Scope & formation
  • Planning
  • Organization
  • Staffing
  • Site readiness assessment
  • Appoint steering committee
  • Documentation
  • Audits & reviews

Process Management

  • Definition of business-critical processes
  • Core team training
  • Solution Management
  • Variance analysis (modifications, integrations, etc.)
  • Package planning

Data Management

  • Data migration strategy
  • Data identification

Technology Management

  • Implementation environment definition
  • Infrastructure and system architecture
  • Definition & strategy
  • Training environment installation


During implementation, there should be configuration and adapting the system that was specified during the Implementation Study. The business processes and the solution are validated, and the technical infrastructure is installed and configured. And if necessary, develop customizations such as integrations with other systems.

Project Management

  • Goals and delimitations
  • Planning
  • Organization
  • Staffing
  • Implementation kickoff
  • Steering committee
  • Documentation
  • Audits & reviews

Process Management

  • Work routine development
  • Process model validation
  • Core team training
  • Preparation of end-user training

Solution Management

  • Package development and delivery
  • Training material
  • Core team training
  • Application solution validation

Data Management

  • Data collection
  • Data cleansing
  • Data migration module configuration
  • Data migration (trial)
  • Data validation

Technology Management

  • Implementation environment installations
  • Infrastructure and system architecture implementation
  • Technical training

Go Live

The new enterprise system is now put into operation. End-user training is completed, data from the old system are migrated to the new, and users start working according to work routines that have been developed. The entire customer solution is validated in an extensive test by end-users using full-scale production data in order to confirm that the system meets the targets that were set when the project started. Together with the customer, it should be confirmed that customer expectations are fulfilled. If the customer has facilities at different sites, go live first at the pilot site, and, after evaluation, at the other sites, according to the site rollout plan.

Project Management

  • Goals and delimitations
  • Planning
  • Organization
  • Staffing
  • Steering committee
  • Documentation
  • Audits & reviews

Process Management

  • Work routine validation
  • End-user training

Solution Management

  • End-user training
  • Customer solution validation
  • Customer support routines fully operational

Data Management

  • Data migration (full-scale)
  • Data validation

Technology Management

  • Implementation environment validation & fine-tuning
  • Infrastructure and system architecture validation & fine-tuning
  • Technical training

Now, we had ideas on how to obtain our goal which is to implement a successful project. But of course, it is not easy to be done without an expected barriers and hindrances. Let’s go back to the adopted company.

As a recap during our interview with the interviewee, last July 2009 we tackled little about IT/IS Implementation. See for instance, the interviewee said that during a time that EMCOR is planning to change their system into a centralized connection where each branches can access the transactions happened any time in every other stores. One of the benefits in the system would be; the customer from one place could pay his accounts through the nearest EMCOR store. But the said changes happened to meet some challenges and barriers that they would have to consider in implementing the new system. The following are to be evaluated:

Project management

- Planning
- Audits & reviews (Cost)
- Implementation kickoff

Process Management

- Variance analysis
- Process model validation
- Preparation of end-user training

Solution Management

- Application solution validation
- End-user training
- Customer solution validation
- Customer support routines fully operational

Data Management

- Data validation
- Data migration (full-scale)
- Data identification

Technology Management

- Training environment installation
- Technical training

And they find the following as the barriers in their IT/IS implementation:

- Data loss and errors
- Possible discrepancies
- Employees to be trained
- Time preparations
- Time consumption
- Establishing accuracy after the implementation
- User’s usage and acceptance

Also, if it happens that the consumer/users don’t like the usage of the new system, it might be a wrong option to shift into a new system.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

HRM (Assignment 9)

Before I go down on the concept of nature, scope and role of Human Resource Management, I would like to see a very concise background of a Human Resource Manager.

Human Resource Manager

A human resources manager is responsible for managing and overseeing the personnel department within a company, organization or agency. This includes posting advertisements or approving advertisements for new employees, screening resumes and applications, setting interview appointments and being involved in the hiring process. In most agencies the human resources manager is also key in providing employee supervision and evaluations, retraining employees, offering mediation services for struggling employees as well as firing employees that are not meeting standards.

He must be aware of local, state and federal employment guidelines, manage payroll issues, maintain employee records, complete and record insurance and other programs offered to employees and be able to assist employees in understanding and evaluating the participation in these programs. Human resource managers may also be actively involved in retraining or training new employees or existing employees or answering questions that employees may have on policies or procedures within the company or agency. Workplace safety, employee absenteeism and health issues are also addressed by the human resources manager. The manager may be able to work directly with outside agencies to provide on-site counseling or even specialized programs for additions or crisis intervention counseling or services. Many human resource managers act as the bridge between management and workers in non-union companies. Conflict resolution and improving overall workplace moral is a key part of the role of a human resource manager.

And from the various definitions of Human Resource Management, I like to choose this understanding.

Human Resource Management

Administrative activities associated with human resources planning, recruitment, selection, orientation, training, appraisal, motivation, remuneration, etc. HRM aims at developing people through work.

The Concept on the Nature, Scope and Role of HRM

Human resources may be defined as the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes of an organization's workforce, as well as the values, attitudes, approaches and beliefs of the individuals involved in the affairs of the organization. It is the sum total or aggregate of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the talents and aptitudes of the persons employed in the organization.

The human resources are multi­dimensional in nature. From the national point of view, human resources may be defined as the knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes obtained in the population; whereas from the view­point of the individual enterprise, they represent the total of the inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills as exemplified in the talents and aptitudes of its employees.


Human Resource Management is a process of bringing people and organizations together so that the goals of each are met. The various features of HRM include:

- It is pervasive in nature as it is present in all enterprises.
- Its focus is on results rather than on rules.
- It tries to help employees deve­lop their potential fully.
- It encourages employees to give their best to the organization.
- It is all about people at work, both as individuals and groups.
- It tries to put people on assigned jobs in order to produce good results. -
It helps an organization meet its goals in the future by providing for competent and well-moti­vated employees.
- It tries to build and maintain cordial relations between people working at various levels in the organization.
- It is a multi-disciplinary activity, utilizing knowledge and inputs drawn from psychology, econo­mics, etc.


The scope of HRM is very wide:

Personnel aspect-This is con­cerned with manpower planning, recruitment, selection, place­ment, transfer, promotion, train­ing and development, layoff and retrenchment, remuneration, incentives, productivity etc.

Welfare aspect-It deals with working conditions and ameni­ties such as canteens, creches, rest and lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistance, education, health and safety, recreation facilities, etc.

Industrial relations aspect-This covers union-management rela­tions, joint consultation, collec­tive bargaining, grievance and disciplinary procedures, settle­ment of disputes, etc.


The existence of a human resources department is vital to overall productivity and efficiency of the strong workforce in any thriving company. In most professional organizations, the role of the human resources department is not sidelined or eclipsed by other departments. In fact, good human resources can be one of the most valued and respected departments in an organization; their job is people, and people are the company's most important asset.

The human resource function has gone from the traditional hire and fire role to a strategic partner at the table with finance, operations and other business centers that are not centers of profit for the organization. The job of HR, as is the job of all such departments, is to ensure that the business gets the most out of its employees. Another way to put this is that the human resource management needs to provide a high return on the business's investment in its people. This makes it a highly complex function - because it deals with not just management issues but human ones as well.

Strategic Role for HR

- “contributing at the table” to organizational results
- HR becomes a strategic partners by:
  • Focusing on developing HR programs that enhance organizational performance
  • Involving HR at the strategic planning onset
  • Participating on decision making on mergers, acquisitions and downsizing
  • Redesigning organizations and work processes
  • Accounting and documenting the financial result of HR activities

In the case of the visited company (Ansuico, Incorporated):

As I could remember during an interview with the company’s HR manager, she mentioned less on the nature, scope and roles of the HR Management. It’s because, they were not allowed to talk much about the company for the reason that the management keeps it confidential. Below are from the above information that befit the company’s nature, scope and role of HR Management:


- It tries to help employees deve­lop their potential fully. -
It encourages employees to give their best to the organization.
- It is all about people at work, both as individuals and groups.
- It tries to put people on assigned jobs in order to produce good results. -
It helps an organization meet its goals in the future by providing for competent and well-moti­vated employees.


Personnel aspect
- con­cerned with manpower planning, recruitment, selection, place­ment, train­ing and development, incentives, productivity etc.

Welfare aspect
-It deals with working conditions and ameni­ties such as trainings, assistance, education, health and safety, etc.

Industrial relations aspect
-This covers union-management rela­tions, joint consultation, collec­tive bargaining, grievance and disciplinary procedures, settle­ment of disputes, etc.


- Aiding in the self-development of employees at all levels.
- Developing and maintaining motivation for workers by pro­viding incentives.
- Recruitment, selection and place­ment of personnel.
- Training and development of employees

Administrative role
- clerical and administrative support operations (payroll and benefits work)
- Technology is transforming how HR services are delivered Operational and Employee

Advocate Role
- “champion” for employee concerns
- Employee crisis management -
Responding to employee complaints


HRM (Assignment 8)

The SONA 2009

Her administration faced many challenges, full of accusations and threatens by the opponents who fight for what they believe in. But despite the allegations that surround her undisputed presidency, Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo delivered her State of the Nation Address last July 27, 2009.

The said SONA receives both critique and salutation. As we could expect, her opponents will continue to throw their mouths on her and for those who believed her will give her applause.

On her SONA, the president cited the progress of the country despite global crisis. And one area that was mentioned was related to the Human Resource Management. What are these manpower relations and how will these become a way to improve our quality of life?

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW’s)

The country cannot support the needs of jobs for many of the Filipinos, thus, most of our countrymen has to find their luck to the other countries. With these, the OFW’s played a very dramatic role in supporting our dying (as many said) economy. It records $ 16 B last year and is expected to grow this year. What an advantage isn’t it? But the hard work, perseverance and sacrifices of our fellowmen cannot be equalized. For they endure loneliness to be away from home.

“Meanwhile, we should make their sacrifices worthwhile,” the president quoted. She said that we have to protect and give importance with the earnings the OFWs gained. And that was through a stronger consumer protection for OFWs to property and products back home. Thus, Investors Protection Task Force is addressed.

When we will try to see the brighter side of this area, we could say that it contributed an improvement and progress to our quality of life. Aside from the fact that the government cannot suffice our needs for jobs, we should have to work for the family to have a better life style. And some find the answer through going across the sea. Though it was very hard then to be far away from home, looking at the future will give courage to choose an overseas work if there’s an opportunity. It improves the quality of life because as we could see, if one will find a better job there, then he/she could support the financial needs of the family. The shelter, education, foods, clothing etc… Therefore, we could see the difference if we will just sit here and wait for the years to come and the problems will still not be addressed or find the right thing to do at the moment despite that the exchange would be our happiness, if it’s for the betterment of the family, we can bear the pain and loneliness. Filipinos are tough!

Technical Education and Skills Training

This one is really a big help. The popularity of TESDA has contributed a lot of opportunities for those who had never get the chance or those who doesn’t like to enroll in degree courses. Like the one the president had mentioned, “Narito si Jennifer Silbor, isa sa sampung milyong trainee. Natuto siya ng medical transcription. Now, as an independent contractor and lecturer for transcriptions in Davao, kumikita siya ng P18,000 bawat buwan. Good job, Jennifer”. It only shows that there are many possibilities and chances to improve our quality of life only if we have the courage to find it. And of course, the government had been helping to made it possible. And this type of trainings engaged in a less consuming time, therefore, you will not spend many years to have the changes in your life. And with hard work, honesty and perseverance, a successful life would be a guarantee.


The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) was a land reform law mandated by Republic Act No. 6657, signed by President Corazon Aquino on June 10, 1988. It was the fifth land reform law in fifty years, following the land reform laws of Presidents Manuel Quezon, Ramon Magsaysay, Diosdado Macapagal and Ferdinand Marcos.
According to RA 6657, CARP aims “for a more equitable distribution and ownership of land.” It meant to distribute lands to farmers in a span of 10 years, but was extended by the 11th Congress due to delays in land distribution and lack of budget allocation.
Section 3 of RA 6657 defined agrarian reform as the “redistribution of lands, regardless of crops or fruits produced, to farmers and regular farm workers who are landless” and “all other arrangements alternative to the physical redistribution of lands, such as production or profit-sharing, labor administration and the distribution of shares of stock which will allow beneficiaries to receive a just share of the fruits of the lands they work.”
Vast agricultural lands are distributed to the farmers tilling the land, whereas only a maximum of five hectares can be retained by the landlords and three hectares for each of their children.
However, a common CARP loophole was that landlords escaped relinquishing their lands through land reclassifications. Lands classified by local zoning ordinances as residential, commercial and industrial lands are excluded from CARP.

Department of Agrarian Reform website, (By Neil Jerome C. Morales)

“Sa pagpapamahagi ng milyun-milyong ektaryang lupa, 700,000 na katutubo at mahigit isang milyong benepisyaryo ng CARP ay taas-noong may-ari na ng sariling lupa. Hinihiling ko sa Kongreso na ipasa agad ang pagpapalawig ng CARP, at dapat ma-condone ang P42 billion na land reform liabilities dahil 18% lamang ang nabayaran mula 1972. Napapanahon, it’s timely because it will unfreeze the rural property market. Ang mahal kong ama ang nag-emancipate ng mga magsasaka. Ii-mancipate naman natin ngayon ang titulo”, the president said.
The passage of this Act gives hopes to the people who dedicate their life in tilting the land to have their own. As the president has told, millions of hectares have been distributed for the people to have their own land. And since this State policy promotes the rights and welfare of landless Filipino farmers and farm workers, as well as social justice, in pursuit of sound rural development and industrialization. The many years of sacrificed have been justified. It is established to help landless Filipino farmers to own directly or collectively the lands they till or, in the case of farm workers, to have a share of the fruits harvested or produced. Thus, it improves the quality of living because the farmers will not depend on their landlords when it comes to their shares during reaping time. They can have their own income and there’s no need to cut portions that won’t equal their effort. They could produce their own farm products without a need to worry that they might receive less than what they sow. They wouldn’t be a slave to their own right but they were now a master of their own property.


“Ang magandang edukasyon ay susi sa mas magandang buhay, the great equalizer that allows every young Filipino a chance to realize their dreams”, president Arroyo.

"It seeks to mainstream early childhood development in basic education. Our children are our most cherished possession. In their early years we must make sure they get a healthy start in life. They must receive the right food for a healthy body, the right education for a bright and inquiring mind—and the equal opportunity for a meaningful job".

They said that the quality of manpower of a nation can be justified by the figure of educated persons belonging in it. Will it mean that education must be a key to achieve progress and development? Probably yes! If we could see, powerful nation’s starts with their creative minds, thus, they were able to sustain the needs and growth of their territory. But it doesn’t meant that the Filipinos were left behind in terms of powerful minds, maybe, we were just influenced by our culture, thus, affecting our drive to a more progressive way of living.

Our educational system should make the Filipino fit not just for whatever jobs happen to be on offer today, but also for whatever economic challenge life will throw in their way. For the government believes that education is one strongest way to establish a strong nation. From basic to vocational school or college, the government tried to sustain their needs, financial needs.

Education improves the quality of life. If all of the Filipinos can have the chance to enroll themselves and went to school, everyone can get a better job, everyone knows how to use their time, everyone knows their responsibility as an individual, everyone knows how to be productive and no one will have to suffer poverty. Though others might say that education is not the only way to uplift their status, it can’t be denied that it is the main door to enter the possibility of our dreams. Education improves the quality of life because it has its way that people will realize the importance of their existence. And more so…

Tax Revenues

“We will work to increase tax effort through improved collections and new sin taxes to further our capacity to reduce poverty and pursue growth. Revenue enhancement must come from the Department of Finance plugging leaks and catching tax and customs cheats. I call on tax paying citizens and tax paying businesses, help the BIR and stop those tax cheats”.

This will help the improvement because the returns can be a benefit to all. The infrastructures, the roads, and any other government projects help the people. Though many claims that they cannot feel the benefit from the taxes they’re paying, still, it cant be denied that, sometimes, we were just trying to ignore the existence of the projects that the government give back to our community.

HRM (Assignment 7)

The Human Being

It is commonplace for people generally to think of the human body as being merely an elaborate machine, with all the non-material aspects of the human being- thinking, feeling, attitudes, emotions, mores, imagination, etc., etc, as being merely the result of the physico-chemical activities which take place in the physical body. However, the human organism is not a machine and does not operate under the aegis of chemical and physical laws.

Human beings are the most important…

Among any other creation of God, human being is the most important. It’s because human beings are one, merely one, of the many living beings that originated in a long and complicated process of evolution despite the fact that many philosophical and religious arguments have been constructed to ideologically underpin the idea that human beings are the focus and goal of the cosmos and of cosmic evolution. It is important to understand what we are as human beings. Amongst living beings, humans enjoy great abilities and capacities. We are special and precious and there’s no other around the universe that can compare to our uniqueness. The present state of knowledge of the human being is one which has been informed by the materialistic thinking of modern technological science.

Manpower is the most important because human is the heart of an organization. In the first place, there are no existing tangibles without the presence of humanity. Despite the age of technology, human is the core of all the activities that has taken place in an organization. Organization composed of individuals and these individuals are human individuals who addressed the status and put life to an organization.

…potent and critical resource…

Yes! Human beings are he wielding power of an organization. Among any other assets, human being is the only one that is incomparable. There’s no other like that could give beyond what the human can. And most critical, yes!Because human has its limitations. We get tired, we need rest, we need water, food and shelter. Humans are critical because we can be sick and died if we overused our body. We are critical because once we are broken; we cannot be fixed like a machine. Once we are destroyed, we cannot be replaced. We are critical because we need much attention and human need cares and understanding among any other resources of an organization.

Yet, human beings are the least understood and worst managed…

Sometimes our differences and pride has overcome our senses and it could create judgment, opinions, doubts and even lost of trust.

HRM (Assignment 6)

What is a corporation?

In a general sense, a corporation is a business entity that is given many of the same legal rights as an actual person. Corporations may be made up of a single person or a group of people, known as sole corporations or aggregate corporations, respectively.


A corporation is a legal entity separate from the persons who own it or the persons who manage or operate it. In British tradition it is the term designating a body corporate, where it can be either a corporation sole (an office held by an individual natural person, which is a legal entity separate from that person) or a corporation aggregate (involving more persons). In American and, increasingly, international usage, the term denotes a body corporate formed to conduct business, and this meaning of corporation is discussed in the remaining part of this entry (the limited company in British usage).


The Corporation...

The corporation's fate over the next century is as fascinating to contemplate as it is difficult to predict. But as a general proposition, there is no reason to think that the corporation has reached the limits of its adaptive powers. Over the decades, it has proven a remarkably flexible vehicle for spreading commercial risk (and reward) and for organizing investment on a great scale over vast geographic distances. As we speed ahead into a future that is unknowable by definition, it is useful to pause and glance in the rearview mirror. Today's corporation is not an empty vessel waiting to be filled by the future. It is the product of a long and tumultuous history, of opportunities grasped and crises overcome--and it is all the stronger for it.

The transformation...

Because of the spark of the rapid development of new technologies, particularly the Internet, the corporation is undergoing a radical transformation that is reaching far across the globe and in every corner of the world. From the early practices, features and structures, corporation in the 21st century will show off beyond what we can imagine.

The Web gives everyone in the organization, the ability to access a mind-boggling array of information in just a click, from anywhere. Instead of seeping out over months or years, ideas can be spread out around the globe in the blink of an eye. That means that the 21st century Corporation must adapt itself to management via the Web. Already, old business models that emphasized fixed assets, working capital, and economies of scale have become increasingly vulnerable to nimbler organizations that employ new technologies to reduce costs.

Leading-edge technology will enable workers on the bottom rungs of the organization to seize opportunity as it arises. Employees will increasingly feel the pressure to get breakthrough ideas to market first. Thus, the corporation will need to nurture an array of formal and informal networks to ensure that these ideas can speed into development. In the near future, companies will call on outside contractors to assemble teams of designers, prototype producers, manufacturers, and distributors to get the job done. Emerging technologies will allow employees and freelancers anywhere in the world to converse in numerous languages online without the need for a translator.

And this rapid flow of information will permeate the organization. We could imagine that orders will be fulfilled electronically without a single phone call or piece of paper. The ''virtual financial close'' will put real-time sales and profit figures at every manager's fingertips via the click of a wireless phone or a spoken command to a computer. And in just a blink of an eye, everything you wanted to know about your company will come in just a second.

Making a Difference...

In the beginning, the global company was defined as one that simply sold its goods in overseas markets. Later, global companies assumed a manufacturing presence in numerous countries. The company of the future will call on talent and resources--especially intellectual capital--wherever they can be found around the globe, just as it will sell its goods and services around the globe. Indeed, the very notion of a headquarters country may no longer apply, as companies migrate to places of greatest advantage. The new global corporation might be based in the U.S. but do its software programming in Sri Lanka, its engineering in Germany, and its manufacturing in China. Every outpost will be seamlessly connected by the Net so that far-flung employees and freelancers can work together in real time. All this work will be done in an instant. With the use of the internet, speed is the biggest impact in terms of actions, deliberations, and information. And it leaves the old, process-oriented corporation in a total revamp. With everything from product cycles to employee turnover on fast-forward, there is simply not enough time for deliberation.

It is said that the very core of the 21st century Corporation is technology. It simply means that human minds and hands have been removed from an organization's most routine tasks and replaced them with computers and networks. Having this ideal to digitize everything from employee benefits to accounts receivables to product design cuts time, cost, and people from operations, resulting in huge savings and vast improvements in speed.

Despite a handful of leading-edge companies, the true 21st century corporation, at least as it will eventually emerge, does not yet exist. But there is no one company today that embodies all the possibilities and promise of the super efficient 21st century corporation.

The truly great 21st century companies will recognize that the real power of technology is not just the ability to make a business more efficient but also its potential to spark transformative change. Much of that change will involve the company's relationship with its customers. In an era of unprecedented choice, in which prices and product specs for almost anything are only a click away, companies will have to offer a lot more than bargain prices.

True 21st century corporations will also learn to manage an elaborate network of external relationships. That far-reaching ecosystem of suppliers, partners, and contractors will allow them to focus on what they do best and farm everything else out. And it will let them quickly take advantage of fleeting opportunities without having to tie up vast amounts of capital. Outsourcing and partnering, of course, are hardly new. But in the coming century, such alliances will become more crucial.